Disclosure of movement of 1% or more in substantial holding or change in nature of relevant interest or both
Sections 23 and 24, Securities Markets Act 1988
Relevant event being disclosed: increase of substantial holding by 1% or more
Date of relevant event: 6 July 2011
To: New Zealand Exchange
And: The Colonial Motor Company Limited
Date this disclosure made: 26 July 2011
Date last disclosure made: 15 September 2010
Substantial security holder(s) giving disclosure
Name(s): James Picot Gibbons
Contact details: Nicholas Kenneth Bartle, Company Secretary, The Colonial Motor Company Limited, PO box 6159, Wellington. Telephone (04) 384 9734 E mail nick.bartle@colmotor.co.nz
Summary of substantial holding to which disclosure relates
Class of listed voting securities: ordinary shares
Summary for: James Picot Gibbons
For this disclosure,—
(a) total number held in class: 3,031,174
(b) total in class: 32,694,632
(c) total percentage held in class: 9.27%
For last disclosure,—
(a) total number held in class: 3,414,994
(b) total in class: 27,850,910
(c) total percentage held in class: 10.60%
Details of transactions and events giving rise to relevant event
Details of the transactions or other events requiring disclosure under the instructions to this form:
Date of Transactions : 6 July 211
Ceased to be a trustee of a trust
Number of Voting Securities – 213,820
Consideration : Nil
Details of relevant interests in substantial holding after relevant event
Relevant Interest One:
Nature of relevant interest(s): James Picot Gibbons is a registered holder and beneficial owner of ordinary shares in CMO.
No relevant agreement document needs to be attached under Regulation 11, Securities Markets (Substantial Security Holders) Regulations 2007.
For that relevant interest,—
(a) number held in class: 73,525
(b) percentage held in class: 0.22%
(c) current registered holder(s) of securities: James Picot Gibbons
(d) registered holder(s) of securities once transfers registered: not applicable
Relevant Interest Two:
Nature of relevant interest(s): James Picot Gibbons (in his capacity as a trustee of the RC & NL Gibbons Trust) is a registered holder and joint non-beneficial owner of ordinary shares in CMO.
James Picot Gibbons is also a beneficiary of the RC & NL Gibbons Trust.
No relevant agreement document needs to be attached under Regulation 11, Securities Markets (Substantial Security Holders) Regulations 2007.
For that relevant interest -
(a) number held in class: 1,445,723
(b) percentage held in class: 4.42%
(c) current registered holder(s) of securities:
Robert C, Nancy L, Bruce R & James P Gibbons & Pauline L Bennett jointly as trustees of the RC & NL Gibbons Trust
(d) registered holder(s) of securities once transfers registered: not applicable
Relevant Interest Three:
Nature of relevant interest(s): James Picot Gibbons (in his capacity as a trustee of the estate of R C Gibbons) is a registered holder and joint non-beneficial owner of ordinary shares in CMO.
James Picot Gibbons is also a beneficiary of the estate of RC Gibbons.
No relevant agreement document needs to be attached under Regulation 11, Securities Markets (Substantial Security Holders) Regulations 2007.
For that relevant interest,—
(a) number held in class: 664,006
(b) percentage held in class: 2.03%
(c) current registered holder(s) of securities:
Nancy L, Bruce R & James P Gibbons & Pauline L Bennett jointly as trustees of the estate of RC Gibbons.
(d) registered holder(s) of securities once transfers registered: not applicable
Relevant Interest Four:
Nature of relevant interest(s): James Picot Gibbons (in his capacity as a trustee of the JP & DM Gibbons Trust) is a registered holder and joint non-beneficial owner of ordinary shares in CMO.
No relevant agreement document needs to be attached under Regulation 11, Securities Markets (Substantial Security Holders) Regulations 2007.
For that relevant interest,—
(a) number held in class: 472,055
(b) percentage held in class: 1.44%
(c) current registered holder(s) of securities:
James P & Diana M Gibbons, Pauline L Bennett jointly as trustees of the JP & DM Gibbons Trust
(d) registered holder(s) of securities once transfers registered: not applicable
Relevant Interest Five:
Nature of relevant interest(s): James Picot Gibbons (in his capacity as a trustee of the Bennett No. 2 Trust) is a registered holder and joint non-beneficial owner of ordinary shares in CMO.
No relevant agreement document needs to be attached under Regulation 11, Securities Markets (Substantial Security Holders) Regulations 2007.
For that relevant interest,—
(a) number held in class: 23,478
(b) percentage held in class: 0.07%
(c) current registered holder(s) of securities:
Bruce R & James P Gibbons jointly as trustees of the Bennett No. 2 Trust
(d) registered holder(s) of securities once transfers registered: not applicable
Relevant Interest Six:
Nature of relevant interest(s): James Picot Gibbons (in his capacity as a trustee of the PC Barton Trust) is a registered holder and joint non-beneficial owner of ordinary shares in CMO.
No relevant agreement document needs to be attached under Regulation 11, Securities Markets (Substantial Security Holders) Regulations 2007.
For that relevant interest,—
(a) number held in class: 189,154
(b) percentage held in class: 0.58%
(c) current registered holder(s) of securities:
Patricia C Barton. Peter C & James P Gibbons jointly as trustees of the PC Barton Trust
(d) registered holder(s) of securities once transfers registered: not applicable
Relevant Interest Seven:
Nature of relevant interest(s):
James Picot Gibbons is a beneficiary of the DM & JP Gibbons Trust.
No relevant agreement document needs to be attached under Regulation 11, Securities Markets (Substantial Security Holders) Regulations 2007.
For that relevant interest,—
(a) number held in class: 163,223
(b) percentage held in class: 0.50%
(c) current registered holder(s) of securities:
B R Gibbons & P L Bennett jointly as trustees of the DM & JP Gibbons Trust
(d) registered holder(s) of securities once transfers registered: not applicable
Additional information
Nature of connection between substantial security holders: n/a
Address(es) of substantial security holder(s): 29 Cheviot Road Lowry Bay Lower Hutt 5013
Name of any other person believed to have given, or believed to be required to give, a disclosure under the Act in relation to the securities to which this disclosure relates: None