Long Service Awards
The most important asset to The Colonial Motor Company Limited isn’t something you can put your hands on. It isn’t the vehicles, equipment or any physical Dealership. The most valuable part of our business are the people, the human capital that contain the knowledge and know-how to move the business forward over the next 100 years and beyond.
It is the company’s greatest tradition and highest honour to award every employee a golden watch after 25 years continuous service.
It's also important to recognise that our records are incomplete. If you are aware of someone that should be on the list please use the form at the bottom of the page to make contact.
Year Awarded |
First Started |
Surname |
First Names |
Company |
2025 |
2000 |
Kumar |
Suresh |
South Auckland Motors |
2024 |
1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 |
Cullen Calvert Tribe Ramsay Lala Berry |
Bruce Peter Michael Walter Arvind Grant |
South Auckland Motors Avon City Ford Capital City Motors Avon CIty Ford South Auckland Motors South Auckland Motors |
2023 |
1998 1996 |
Bower Johnston |
Darrell Dale M |
South Auckland Motors Team Hutchinson |
2022 |
1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 |
Davis Gourlay Huckstep Lunam Matchett Natta Price Robinson Ward |
Nathan I Forbes G Greg J Greg Aaron Robert (Bob) A Janaya Simon Edward (Ted) M |
Macaulay Motors Avon City Ford South Auckland Motors South Auckland Motors South Auckland Motors Capital City Motors Agricentre South South Auckland Motors Avon City Ford |
2021 |
1996 1996 1996 |
McGhie Large Hayes |
Gaylene M Ian D Philip |
Fagan Motors Ruahine Motors Avon City Motors |
2020 |
1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 |
Seaward Morriss Michels Lavington Harford Cox |
Cameron R Brent R Peter H David H James R Neil P |
Avon City Motors Southpac Trucks Macaulay Motors Capital City Motors Avon City Motors Fagan Motors |
2019 |
1994 1994 |
House Ridden |
Lorraine F Robin DF |
South Auckland Motors Avon City Motors |
2018 |
1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 |
Meuli Brass Dempster Hutchinson Timothy Hitchcock |
Craig A Teena Russell S John O Davie P Wayne E |
Energy City Motors Southpac Trucks Energy City Motors Hutchinson Motors Macaulay Motors Timaru Motors |
2017 |
1992 1992 1992 1992 |
Shum Demptster Cullen Perry |
Micheal J Stuart P Ivor G Mervyn L |
Dunedin City Motors Energy City Motors South Auckland Motors South Auckland Motors |
2016 |
1991 1991 1991 1991 |
Heslin Urlich Irving Gibbons |
John D John D Jeffery S Stuart D |
Avon City Motors South Auckland Motors Dunedin City Motors Stevens Motors |
2015 |
1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 |
Kee Headington Lamb O'Hara Luxton Shaw Phillips |
Jason E Aaron T Matthew B Mark S John W Timothy R Lindsay M |
Capital City Motors Southpac Trucks Southpac Trucks Southpac trucks Avon City Motors Avon City Motors Dunedin City Motors |
2014 |
1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 |
Gilllespie Fuller Mundy Currie McNicholl Smith Miller |
Micheal R Craig E Nicholas J Peter W Joanne M George A David J B |
Southpac Trucks / Timaru Avon City Motors Avon City Motors Hutchinson Motors Hutchinson Motors CMC Office Fagan Motors |
2013 |
1987 1988 1988 1988 |
Duunrentijdt Ryan Ah See Shanks |
Marrten C Phillip R Soh Paul M |
Southpac Trucks Fagan Motors / Maidstone Capital City Motors Capital City Motors |
2012 |
1987 1987 1987 1987 1987 1987 1987 1987 |
Baynes Medhurst White Wimms Lyttle Kelly Goodman |
Murray A Robert W Stephen L Steven G Ian Steven W Robert W Craig L |
South Auckland Motors South Auckland Motors South Auckland Motors MS Motors Stevens Motors Fagan Motors Macaulay Motors Avon City Motors |
2011 |
1986 1986 1986 1986 1986 |
Marshall Newman Blogh Hanrahan Thomas |
Ian D Matthew J Micheal Gary David |
CMC Office South Auckland Motors Capital City Motors Avon City Motors Capital City (Kapiti) |
2010 |
1985 1985 1985 1985 1985 1985 1985 1985 1985 1985 |
Woodd Price Donnell Van Herpt Jensen Simpson Cross Stewart Graham Scott |
Bruce Grant John Ron Stephen Steve Alan Graham Carolyn John |
Macaulay Motors Macaulay Motors Avon City Motors Hutchinson Motors Capital City Motors Dunedin City Motors Hutchinson Motors Capital City Motors Macaulay Motors Southland Tractors |
2009 |
1984 1984 1984 1984 |
Burge Gibbons Nolan Bain |
Stephen Graeme Kerry Robert |
Hutchinson Motors CMC Office Avon City Motors Dunedin City Motors |
2008 |
1983 1983 1983 1983 |
Barthow Henry Mahood Arthurs |
Graham Lois Mark Gerard |
South Auckland Motors South Auckland Motors Fagan Motors Capital City Motors |
2007 |
1982 1982 1982 1982 |
McDonald Noble Glasson Gill |
Anthony Thomas Phillip Gordon Jill Maureen Rose |
Capital City Motors Capital City Motors Hutchinson Motors Macaulay Motors |
2006 |
1978 1981 1981 1981 1971 |
Tennant Brett Church Bell Kerr |
David Craig Douglas Moira Jane Graeme Bryce Tom |
Southpac Trucks M S Motors Capital City Motors /Tom Croft Hutchinson Motors Southpac Trucks |
2005 |
1980 1980 1980 1980 |
Shaw Marr Rogers Clamp |
Martin Andrew Russell James James Allan Cliff |
Avery Motors Timaru Motors Dunedin City Ford Stevens Motors / Maidstone |
2004 |
1979 1979 1979 1979 1979 1979 |
Haliday McCracken Wesney Kolic Fisentzidis Foster |
Micheal J Brain Peter Roy Josip Demtrios Nicholas Craig |
South Auckland Motors Dunedin City Avon City Avery Motors Avery Motors Avon / THF |
2003 |
1978 1978 1978 1978 |
Liley Andrew Hutchinson Anderson |
Glenn Wililam Garfield Lorraine Steve H |
Hutchinson Motors Timaru Motors Hutchinson Motors South Auckland Motors |
2002 |
1977 1977 1977 1977 - 1977 |
McCoubrey Chhotu Troy Aries Gaskin Parlane |
Bruce Hugh Narandra Laurence Ronald Linda Veronica David Terry J |
Avon City Avery Motors Dunedin City Avon City Stevens Motors South Auckland Motors |
2001 |
1976 1976 1976 1976 1976 1976 1976 |
Bradley White Walker Cliff Beach Ballard Sorenson |
Ian Richard Joseph Bede Alfred Mervyn Kathy Gavin Bruce Raymond Ernest Neil |
Fagan Motors Macaulay Motors Macaulay Motors Timaru Motors Timaru Motors Avon City Motors Avon City Motors |
2000 |
1975 | Smith | Ian |
Avery Motors |
1999 |
1974 1974 1974 1974 1974 |
McVety Ewing Gibbons Daniel Dobbyn |
Stephen WIlliam Wayne Russell James Picot Alastair Grant David William |
Avery/Stevens Motors RuahineMotors Energy City Motors CMC Office West Auckland |
1998 |
1973 | Robb | Jim | New Lynn Motors | ||
1997 |
1972 - - - - |
Hague Muir McElroy Leary Nelson |
O R W Alan C Paul J K |
- Avon City Motors Macaulay Motors Avon City Motors - |
1996 |
1971 | - | - | - | ||
1995 |
1970 | Botherway | Colin | South Aucland Motors | ||
1994 |
1969 | Monahan | Eric | East City Motors | ||
1993 |
1968 | - | - | - | ||
1992 |
1967 | - | - | - | ||
1991 |
1966 1976 - |
Wilson Beach Blyth |
Ronald Ernest Gavin John |
Dunedin Timaru Panmure Motors |
1990 |
1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 |
Johnstone Dowling Thompson Mackie Sanders |
Howeth James Rex Lindsay Neville Edward Lorna May Stanley Raynor |
Macualay Motors Macualay Motors Panmure Motors Sockburn Motors Macaulay Motors |
1989 |
1964 1964 1964 1964 1964 1964 1964 |
Patten Molloy Kane Mckinnon Goodwin Bodley Callinan |
DT George John William Michael Colin P Rodney Walter David William Anthony Michael |
Te Awamutu Napier Motors Team Hutchinson New Lynn Motors Hutchinson motors Craik Motors Avery Motors |
1988 |
1963 1963 1963 1963 1963 1963 1963 |
Brohan Wadham Garnham Thompson Inns Magill Marshall |
Michael David Alan Richard Charles Graham William J Ian Gordon Tom R |
Timaru Motors New Lynn Motors South Auckland Motors South Auckland Motors Avon City Motors Team Hutchinson New Lynn |
1987 |
1962 1962 1962 1962 |
Simpson Head Gibbons Joyce |
John Ronald Charles Michael Hume John Lindsay James |
Team Hutchinson Standard Motor Bodies CMC office Napier Motors |
1986 |
1961 1961 1961 |
Simons Simms Lambie |
Noel John Ray Wallace Ian D |
Avon City Macaulay Motors Napier Motors |
1985 |
1960 1960 |
Gardner Jackson |
A Roger M E David (Dave) |
Fagan Motors Macaulay Motors / Avon City Ford |
1984 |
1959 | Christie | Grant | South Auckland Motors | ||
1983 |
1958 | Green | Trevor | South Auckland Motors | ||
1982 |
1957 |
Scott |
Murray Robert | South Auckland Motors | ||
1981 |
1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 |
Burrows Mullan Williams Telford Ganley Burns Snelgrove Neill Keightley Soutar |
Maurice Edward Kenneth Sinclair George Charles Ross William John Francis George John John Winston Colin John Trevor Norman James Cameron |
Hutchinson Motors Ruahine Motors Timaru Motors Avery Motors Hawke Motors Napier Motors Stevens Motors Timaru Motors Phillipps Motors Macaulay Motors |
1980 |
1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 |
Board Hodgson Cotterell Alexandre Payne Dance Holmes Brown McMilan Goss |
William Peter Donald James Alistair John Brian Stewart Graeme Selwyn Alan Walter Richard Darien Roy Maurice John William Alexander |
Avery Motors Panmure motors Timaru Motors Hutchinson Motors Hutchinson Motors South Auckland Motors South Auckland Motors Panmure Motors Hutchinson Motors Hutchinson Motors |
1979 |
1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 |
Holmes Leeney Morre Thomson Rogers Mather Pearce Flynn Anderson Waugh Hanifin Lyttle Faith Watt Pasco Burt Mahoney Watson |
Edward Albert John Alexander Colin John RJ Wilfred Alan Richard Peter Walter John Brendan Patrick Francis William Donald Charles Eric Edward Graeme Norton Brian Leslie James Gibson Alan Joseph Graham Thomas Lesley William S |
South Auckland Motors Stevens Motors Northland Motors Stevens Motors Hutchinson Motors Stevens Motors New Lynn Motors Hawke Motors Standard Motor Bodies Stevens Motors Timaru Motors Fagan Motors Timaru Motors Timaru Motors Macaulay Motors Hutchinson Motors Timaru Motors Timaru Motors |
1978 |
1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 - |
Severins Hutchinson Rohtments Zoet Rosenburg Welsh Rusbatch |
Peter M Ormond Alexander Kalju (Hank) Nicolaas Cornelis Anton J James Henry TD |
Napier Motors Hutchinson Motors Napier Motors Avery Motors Stevens Motors Fagan Motors Knights Motors |
1977 |
1952 1952 1952 1952 1952 1952 1952 1952 1952 1952 1952 1952 1952 |
Ownes Barnford Evans Hebden McDermott Davidson Caigou Blackburn Sinclair Mayhead Candy Rosevear Davies |
James Patrick Kevin Trevor Charles William Neil Cyril Charles Alan Arthur Maxwell Lawn William Ramsden Stephen Rosmea Philip Sydney Edmund David Joseph Dennis Phillip |
Sockburn Motors Hutchinson Motors Stevens Motors Panmure motors Napier Motors Stevens Motors CMC Office Napier Motors Hutchinson Motors Phillipps Motors Timaru Motors Timaru Motors South Auckland |
1976 |
1951 1951 1951 1951 1951 1951 1951 1951 1951 1951 |
Stephen Norris Muollo Crowley Wisneski Bates Willis Mazey Emery Hyde |
Reginald John Christopher Ronald Antonio Peter Brian Barry John Kingsley Peter Braian Gordon Thomas Charles John James Emerson |
Avery Motors New Lynn Motors Avery Motors Sockburn Motors CMC Office Craik Motors Te Kuiti Motors Hutchinson Motors South Auckland Motos Selwyn Motors |
1975 |
1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 |
Mackay Bennett Carson Irvine Lion Johnston Tollin Caldwell Bell Robson Vause Cook Gunson Gibbons |
John Ashley Herbert Edgar Barry William George Herbert Alan Wiloughby Beville Ian Geoffrey Henry Brien Keven John Gordon Richard Blakley Lesley John Lesley James Ramond Claude Peter Craig |
Selwyn Motors New Lynn Motors South Auckland Te Kuiti Motors Napier Motors South Auckland Timaru Motors Timaru Motors Napier Motors Sockburn Motors South Auckland Hutchinson Motors Phillipps Motors CMC Office |
1974 |
1949 1949 1949 1949 1949 1949 1949 |
Holden Tait Carson Pentecost Craig Tunley Sherson |
Henry Peter Archibald James Russell Edward Ernest Angus Murray RG (Bob) Allan Charles |
Craik Motors Macaulay Motors South Auckland Motors Phillipps Motors Phillipps Motors Standard Motor Bodies Timaru Motors |
1973 |
1947 1948 1948 1948 1948 1948 1948 |
Glover Forte Lawrence Trail MacLaren Clarke James |
John HW IH Charles A Alexander Carter William Douglas Barry Ronald Louis Tutata |
Avery Motors Hawke Motors Hawke Motors Northland Motors Macaulay Motors Phillipps Motors Te Kuiti Motors |
1972 |
1949 1947 1947 1947 1947 1947 1947 |
Harvey Ferguson Scrimshaw Umbers Oliver Hooper Dunlop |
Wakter T Desmond John Len N Graham Stuart James W John Perry R D (Jock) |
Avery Motors Dunedin City Motors Hawke Motors South Auckland Motors Ruahine Motors Sockburn Motors Stevens Motors |
1971 |
1946 1946 1946 1946 1946 1947 1946 1946 1947 |
England Leeming Cederman Butt More Cox Gupy Daniel |
Fred G Pearl Teresa Peter V Ken G Ross Royce James George Reece George Duncan |
Avery Motors Christchurch CMC Office South Auckland Motors South Auckland Motors Phillipps Motors Selwyn Motors Sockburn Motors Standard Motor Bodies |
1970 |
1945 1946 1945 |
Clark Pickran Henderson |
Charles William Ansell Fitzgerald G |
Macaulay Motors Phillipps Motors Selwyn Motors |
1969 |
1944 1944 1944 |
Scrimshaw Kitto Monohan |
Don M E F W Eric L |
Avery Motors Christchurch Panmure Motors |
1968 |
1943 1943 |
Huston Ross |
I S R E |
Avery Motors J W Andrew |
1967 |
1942 1942 1942 |
Gibbons Stuck Cooksley |
Barnes H V C A M A R |
Hawke Motors Hawke Motors J W Andrew |
1966 |
1941 1941 1941 1941 1941 |
Fellows Jamieson Shatford Myers Montague |
R H D - LD Tom M |
Avery Motors Christchurch Christchurch Macaulay Motors Standard Motor Bodies |
1965 |
1940 | Robinson | L L |
Hawke Motors |
1964 |
1939 1938 1939 |
Ragg Perry Kay |
A E Dixon GH |
Christchurch Northland Motors Selwyn Motors |
1963 |
1938 1938 1938 1938 1938 1938 1939 1938 1938 1938 1938 1938 1938 1938 |
Neville Drew Challis Morris Morris Buchan Warne Henderson Gaze Holmes Sheldrake Rowan Bigham Hunt |
Vern F E F Hawley Colin E John T Roy A R I T G W A Malcolm H A J (Jack) J A Miss W R Ray J M |
Avery Motors Avery Motors Fagan Motors Fagan Motors Fagan Motors J W Andrew J W Andrew Macaulay Motors Phillipps Motors Phillipps <Motors Selwyn Motors Selwyn Motors Selwyn Motors Standard Motor Bodies |
1962 |
1937 1937 1937 1937 1937 1937 1937 1937 1937 |
Smith Maxwell Wales Harland Ferguson Dyer Buchanan Gibbons Guise |
Charles R H Keith L Les D Jack W H Percy Denis H RH F N (Bill) George H |
Avery Motors Napier Motors Fagan Motors Fairhall Motors Notrhtland Motors Phillipps Motors Selwyn Motors Selwyn Motors Standard Motor Bodies |
1961 |
1936 1936 1936 1936 1936 1936 1936 1936 1936 1936 1936 1936 1936 1936 1936 1936 1936 1936 |
McMenamin Aitken Connolly Stewart Ambler Mills Culling Norris Smith Robertson McGruer Rogers Cliff Holden Easton Smith McCarty Nealon Dineen |
J R C RM R W Jim C Gordon W Rod M Norm F Cyril B F H A G J Colin J Sam J V J W Tom E Merv W |
Avery Motors CMC Office CMC Office CMC Office Craik Motors Craik Motors Napier Motors Fagan Motors Fagan Motors Fairhall Motors Hawke Motors Hawke Motors Phillipps Motors Phillipps Motors Phillipps Motors Selwyn Motors Te Kuiti Motors Te Kuiti Motors |
1960 |
1935 1935 1935 1935 1935 1935 1935 1935 1935 - - 1935 1935 1935 1935 1937 - 1935 |
Matthews Bowler Britten Lake Snook Burgess Butler Smith Smith Clarke Osborne Maria Harrison McDermott Darnell Henderson Edgar Mackay |
F J Miss A M Colin J J M R N Martin R D W G Ellis P W G H B Cedric J L R C Gordon C Lennox (Lofty) R A (Bob) CC J |
Christchurch Christchurch Christchurch Christchurch Christchurch Christchurch CMC Office Napier Motors Hawke Motors J W Andrew J W Andrew Northland Motors Northland Motors Macaulay Motors Stevens Motors Stevens Motors Te Kuiti Motors Timaru Motors |
1959 |
1934 1929 1934 - - |
Adorian Patterson Maher Newall Steven |
W A F G C J J L |
Christchurch Craik Motors Napier Motors J W Andrew J W Andrew |
1958 |
1933 1933 1933 1933 1933 |
Howard Smith Manson Day McPherson |
I A M (Mrs) R (Bob) H E |
CMC Office CMC Office Napier Motors Selwyn Motors Standard Motor Bodies |
1957 |
1932 1932 1932 1932 1932 1932 1932 |
Witty Manning Eliot Patton McKenzie Draper Faloon |
Charlie R J H T B (Dick) Peter G H S C F Wattie |
Christchurch CMC Office Fagan Motors Hawke Motors Selwyn Motors Stevens Motors Timaru Motors |
1956 |
1931 1931 |
Mann Fisher |
Keith F C |
Christchurch Timaru Motors |
1955 |
1930 1930 1930 1930 |
Archer Laper Mullan Taylor |
A W R A D S (Don) G |
Selwyn Motors Standard Motor Bodies Timaru Motors Timaru Motors |
1954 |
1930 1929 1929 1929 |
Walker Macaulay Osborne Senter |
J H (Jim) R U H M Basil F W |
Napier Motors Macaulay Motors South Auckland Motors Selwyn Motors |
1953 |
1928 | Haworth | J W |
Ruahine Motors |
1952 |
1929 | Beazley | H |
Christchurch |
1951 |
1926 1926 1926 1926 - - - 1926 1926 1926 |
Flannery Keogh McPherson Seagar White Smith Lewis Phillipps Newton McCluggage |
C J L (Jim) Len A A C L A C R Philip L T W R J |
Avery Motors Napier Motors Napier Motors J W Andrew J W Andrew J W Andrew J W Andrew Phillipps Motors Selwyn Motors Standard Motor Bodies |
1950 |
1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 |
Morrison Cochrane Hughes Williams Berry Gladding Hunt |
Len G Charlie W Alec Perc S Con Lesley E John E |
Avery Motors Christchurch Christchurch Napier Motors Napier Motors South Auckland Motors Standard Motor Bodies |
1949 |
1924 1924 1926 |
King Spiro Fagan |
Stan J Pat F |
Napier Motors Napier Motors J W Andrews |
1948 |
1923 1923 1923 |
Pilkington Dickey Gladding |
F N J W G |
Christchurch J W Andrew J W Andrew |
1946 |
1921 |
Clarke |
R E |
J W Andrew |
1945 |
1920 1920 |
Goodwin Hutchinson |
Miss Ormond |
Avery Motors Christchurch |
1944 |
1919 1919 |
Hughes Gibbons |
Jim R B |
Avery Motors CMC Office |
Unknown |
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1966 - - - |
Atkins Atkins Barker Benneworth Bowlker Butler Connelly Holder Howard Kilkenny Maker Mckay Moore Parkinson Prior Rosevear Sole Spurdon |
Geoff Trist C A Maurice R (Miss) Frank Mick Stan I (Kreuge) Richard Ces Cyril Ross Douglas V Kevin Alister Clyde Len |
Craik Motors Panmure Motors Hutchinson Motors South Auckland Motors Hutchinson Motors Standard Motor Bodies Standard Motor Bodies Northland Motors Standard Motor Bodies Newlands Motors Napier Motors Timaru Motors South Auckland Motors Fagan Motors Panmure Motors Timaru Motors Panmure Motors Timaru Motors |
If you do have information about someone that should be on this list please make contact using the form below, your help would be grealty appreciated: